Travel: London O2 to Greenwich

At the beginning of July, we went with my sister and brother in law to see The Killers at the O2 in London. It was an incredible show - Brandon Flowers is awesome! But we also spent the afternoon in the area enjoying a walk by the Thames. This is a photo-heavy post!

We took the IFS Cloud cable car across the Thames and back in a loop (£6 each way) which was a really interesting trip. You do get a good view of the Antony Gormley Quantum Cloud statue from it (shown below), as well as the Thames barrier.

From the cable car terminal we started to walk along the Thames north around the North Greenwich peninsula. There are a series of interesting sculptures along the way. This mermaid is by Damien Hirst.

This is a sliced section of a sand dredger by Richard Wilson, which was pretty cool. 

The weather was so British - either scorchingly hot or thunderously rainy. The storm clouds in the photo below are pretty impressive and we were lucky enough to be passing a nice café when the rain finally did start to hammer down!

This little street in Greenwich had really gone to town with its summer planting and flags.

Once we arrived in Greenwich we walked up to the Royal Observatory in Greenwich Park to see the magnificent London skyline.

I would have liked to walk under the Thames in the secret tunnel at Greenwich but we were hot and tired by this point and really needed to head back to the O2. Rather than retrace our steps, we took the opportunity to get a river Uber and rest our feet!

Love Mrs Jones x


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