Craft: Fabric Strawberries

The Summer is nearly at an end - on the one hand, I feel that it has lasted forever, on the other I am just not ready for everything that Autumn signifies. Am I ready for Albert's GCSE results next Thursday and his impending move to college, or for the return of Fred to Year 8? At the end of this week, I am taking redundancy from a job which I have been in for just over twenty years. I feel like I am just about to take a step into the abyss. 

So, it's no wonder that I want to cling on to Summer a little longer - on to the last vestiges of what I know as safe and secure. My escapism is my craft and sewing, and I have been playing with fabric to make these cute strawberries.

Love Mrs Jones x


  1. I remember the back to school and exam thing as if it were yesterday! Oh dear about the job, where did you work? I can relate to that, I was in a job I loved albeit for six years so I can relate to how you are feeling.
    Julie xxxxxx


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