Friday Night is Family Night!
So, I had a great idea that we should have a dedicated family night, as so often we are working, blogging (!) and the children are playing Xbox or are on their Ipods. At least one night, we could get together for an evening and spend some real time together.
Our first try was a week ago, and they both came home from school in bad moods and then the eldest was invited for a sleepover. But we spent the evening playing top trumps and a wordsearch game with Fred. But we had a great evening yesterday: we hired a film from BT Box Office at £4.00 and the children and I made popcorn, and we all settled down to watch Rise of the Planet of the Apes with the gorgeous James Franco!
I am really hoping that this family night evolves into something great, although it is harder to start it in Winter. I am hoping that in the Spring we can start going on cycle rides and maybe by Summer we will be playing mini golf in the park and having fish & chips by the sea. But most importantly, I want all of us to enjoy each other's company, to vary the activities, and to try new things. When you have one teenager and the other isn't far behind, it is much more difficult to maintain that family bond than it is when they are younger.
Love Mrs Jones x
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